
Interview Series: Tips for Better Speaker Reels


Ron Ben-Joseph, the digital content producer for Kerramel Media, took some time to lend At Large PR some tips on what it takes to get recognized in the digital world.


  1. Why is a speaker reel important?

A speaker reel is extremely important for a professional speaker, because it offers prospective clients a glimpse of the speaker’s charisma, energy, knowledge, and ability to effectively engage an audience. The client wants to know up-front that the speaker is going to dazzle their audience. A reel shows the speaker in action, and is, therefore, the best selling tool of all!


  1. What elements need to be in an effective speaker video?

Sound and lighting are pivotal. If the sound quality is muffled or filled with ambient sound, it makes it hard for the viewer to stay focused. The same goes for lighting. If the video is too dimly lit or over-exposed, the viewer will be distracted. The main objective is that the video paints the speaker in the most powerful light (pun intended). In the same vein, it’s also imperative that the video editor selects only the best clips from the video when assembling the reel. The reel needs to highlight the most important pieces of content from the presentation and the most engaging moments from the performance.


  1. Is it always necessary to shoot a speaker video with a live audience? 

I think it is…even if it’s an audience of two people. That way the speaker has people to “riff” off of, and can respond naturally to their reactions and feedback. It also helps create a more natural performance.


  1. Which platforms are the best places for showcasing your speaker reel?

YouTube and Vimeo are always the “go-to” sites for online storage. Every professional speaker should also put their video on their website. In some cases, clients might still want the speaker to send a DVD by mail.


About Ron Ben-Joseph


Ron Ben-Joseph is a former professional speaker, who has used his experience as a speaker to provide speaking coaching, as well as providing other speaker services, including speaker reels and professional headshots.  He is the digital content producer for Kerramel Media.


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