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Have you ever wondered why you’re invisible on the internet?  You have a great website and a great business, but no one can see you when you’re the 100th listing on Google.  When you’re invisible to your potential consumers, it is impossible to generate business from the internet.

SEO eludes many business owners: use a keyword infrequently, and you don’t show up in searches, use a keyword frequently, and get punished by Google for blatant optimization.  Google and Yahoo crawl content for keywords, and when someone searches for those keywords, your article appears as the most relevant; however, they try to maintain the integrity of the writing and motivations by punishing those who over-use keywords, sending them back to the bottom of the list.

You may have heard that SEO makes your content unreadable, or that readers don’t like it.  Although anyone with a word-count feature in their word processor can attempt to utilize SEO, and anyone with an English degree can write a great article, the fusion of the two is incredibly rare.  The reason that readers have a disdain for SEO is that much of the content produced by SEO ‘content mills’ are written cheaply overseas, which is conveyed in the articles produced.  At Large Publicity creates SEO web content and articles that seamlessly integrate your keywords, so that they are next to impossible to detect, ensuring that you do not alienate your readers.  By providing hyperlinking back to other pages and articles on your website, you can increase your page views, or direct users to a point of sale, without directly giving them a sales pitch.

SEO can be employed in multiple ways: it can be integrated into the content on the website of your business through your business description, articles, etcetera, or it can be used on other websites that are related to your product to advertise your product or drive readers to your website.  This latter is done best through blogs.


[/vc_column_text] [vc_button title=”On-Page SEO” href=”https://atlargepr.com/services/seo/on-page-seo/” color=”btn-warning” size=”btn-large” icon=”none” target=”_self” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [vc_button title=”Off-Page SEO” href=”https://atlargepr.com/services/seo/off-page-seo/” color=”btn-primary” size=”btn-large” icon=”none” target=”_self” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]

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